Tournée Historique En Écosse
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Follow us on a journey through #medieval times and experience the stories of scottish kings, brutal battles between fierce enemies, #knights, #fortresses but also fearless freedom fighters and a comic hero, who seems to be the strongest man on earth!


Elgin is a small town with a big history and character. It was famous Macbeth, commander of the Scottish King Duncan I, who killed his king on 14 August 1040 at the Battle of Pitgaveney, one mile northeast of #Elgin and became King himself. Later the Pope Honorius III decreed in 1224 declared Elgin a Cathedral City. Elgin was the residence of many Scottish Kings like David I or Eduard I who fought William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Eldin Cathedral is a silent witness of the long history of this place.


Aberdeens townscape is typically dominated by the silver-grey granite from the former surrounding quarries. When the sun is shining, the mica in the granite begins to glitter, which is why Aberdeen is often called #SilverCity. Nowadays #aberdeen is also known as Flower City, because thanks to its #flowerbeds the city has repeatedly won the Britain in Bloom competition. But there is more to see here. Buildings that tell stories from medieval times like Craigievar Castle or the St. Machar Cathedral.

Sir William Wallace was one of the great leaders of the resistance against Edward I of England (Edward Longshanks), who claimed sovereignty over #Scotland and forced the Scottish King John de Balliol to abdicate in 1296. Wallace inflicted a crushing defeat on the English troops under John de Warenne in the #BattleofStirlingBridge on 11 September 1297. As a result, the remnants of the English administration were driven out of Scotland and Wallace was proclaimed by the Scottish nobility as Guardian of the Realm to be Regents of Scotland on behalf of King John Balliol, who was in English captivity. Wallace was also #knighted at #Selkirk. The William Wallace Statue was built to remember and honor him.

The statue bears this inscription: I tell you a truth, liberty is the best of all things, my son, never live under any slavish bond.

The title flower city comes to life when experiencing the graceful gardens and parks of the city, like the Piper Alpha Memorial Garden or the tropic #DuthiePark.


Dundee is the fourth biggest city in Scotland and it’s origins reach back to the Iron Age. There sure is some history to see here, for example in the McManus Dundee’s Art Gallery & Museum!

It was 1454 when George Douglas, the 4th Earl of Angus, received the royal permission to build a mighty #fortress close to the Tay River. His son, Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus, was forced to pass this #castle to the crown. Since then it has seen countless brutal battles and forced change of ownership. The castle is a Scheduled Monument and a museum nowadays and can be visited by anyone to experience the flair of medieval times.

Desperate Dan is a wild west character in a British comic magazine and apparently the world's #strongest man, able to lift a cow with one hand. They say the pillow of his bed is filled with building rubble and his #beard is so tough he shaves with a blowtorch. To honor him, there is a famous statue of #DesperateDan in Dundee, as his publishers D. C. Thomson & Co. are city locals.

Slessor Gardens is a 10,738 sqm sized open space at the heart of the central #waterfront area in Dundee and designed to be a multi-functional space with capacity to host large #events such as music #festivals, #conventions and #exhibitions. It marks the modern times of this city.


Do you want to roam around where Scotland’s royalty once amused themselves with #jousting, #hawking and #hunting? Roam around at King’s Knot, which was a small part of the gardens of #StirlingCastle and is on the grounds of the ancient King’s Park that was property of the Crown from at least the 1100s. Two monuments honor two of the great leaders of the #resistance against the English Crown. William Wallace and Robert I. The National Wallace Monument is located on the #AbbeyCraig hill and the Robert the Bruce Statue is near Stirling castle.
