Lambus for
Manage your hotel, travel documents, communication and more in one single app!
Plan an effective business trip
Business travel can be exhausting for both the body and the mind. The good news is that almost all problems are avoidable at best and manageable at worst. Whether you are planning a business trip for you, you and your colleagues or maybe for your boss - Lambus ensures that you have all the necessary information at your disposal at all times.
Keep all the details in one place
Planning a business trip can be a stressful process, with issues ranging from packing to travel expenses to coordinating travel details with colleagues. With Lambus departure data, tickets, etc. are just a click away on the smartphone.
Create a business trip itinerary

Create a business trip itinerary with all of the trip's details in one place. This will save both you and the people you may be planning the trip for, the time and frustration of going through multiple documents and emails to find the information that matters. Include things like times of important meetings or business dinners.

Best of all, it's all available offline, should you have trouble connecting to the internet.

Keep track of expenses

Keeping paper receipts for every transaction can be a real pain. If you don't forget to take the receipt with you, chances are it will get lost in a sea of paperwork later when it's time to file a report.

And it gets even more complicated if you share some expenses with colleagues. Simply enter your expenses in Lambus and you'll always keep an eye on them!

Travel even easier - with Lambus PRO

Lambus PRO offers you numerous features that make your business trip even easier. Choose from ready-made packing lists or create your own. Smart packing saves valuable time when checking in luggage at the airport, is cheaper and more enjoyable when you have less luggage to haul in and out of cabs.

With Lambus PRO, you also have your own personal flight assistant that keeps you updated on the status of your flight in real time.